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Penns Manor Area School District Where Bright Futures Begin


First Three Days of School and Chromebook Agreement

A chromebook is being assigned to every student in the school district.  Expect an envelope in the mail the next couple of days.  Inside the envelope is a chromebook agreement and information regarding the first three days of school.  The agreement needs to be read, signed and returned to the school in the addressed stamped envelope provided.  Agreements need to be mailed back to the school immediately.


IMPORTANT! Our first three days of school will be the following:


Monday, August 31

Instruction Option 1: Brick and Mortar students will report to school buildings for a full day of school.  Students will receive their chromebooks.

Instruction Option 2: Google Classroom students will stay home.

Instruction Option 3: Penns Manor Cyber will being classes online as chromebooks will have been distributed to them by appointment August 27 and August 28


Tuesday, September 1

Instruction Option1: Brick and Mortar students will stay home working remotely for one day only with their chromebook.  We want all brick and mortar students, grades 4 through 12, to take their chromebooks and connect from home into their Google Classroom classes.  Students will have short assignments to complete on this day.  We want feedback from them regarding connectivity at home.  Were they able to log in and complete assignments?  We want our brick and mortar students prepared should the district have to move to our yellow or red phase plan at any point throughout the school year.

Instruction Option 2: Google Classroom students will report to our school buildings to get their chromebooks and meet with everyone of their teachers who they will have while working at home.  We feel it is very important for students to understand how to log in and connect with each teacher's class online.  We will also operate transportation on this day for Option 2 students.  In addition, we will invite PreK, Kindergarten and 1st grade parents to drive to school on Tuesday, September 1 to be with their son or daughter.

Instruction Option 3: Penns Manor Cyber students will be online working on their classes.


Wednesday, September 2

Instruction Option 1: Brick and Mortar students will report to our school buildings and each school day following.  Reminder: Wednesdays are early dismissal days (HS at 12:10 PM and Elementary at 1:10 PM)

Instruction Option 2: Google Classroom students will be at home working in Google Classroom and each school day following.

Instruction Option 3: Penns Manor Cyber students will be online working on their classes each school day following.


Transportation information letters will be mailed home August 19, 2020.